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/ Compute! Gazette 1985 March / 1985-03.d64 / alpha anx_64 (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  1985-01-01  |  2.6 KB  |  117 lines

  1. 90 print"[147]"
  2. 100 sd=54272:fori=sdtosd+24:pokei,0:next:pokesd+5,26:pokesd+6,191:poke54296,15
  3. 110 sm=1280:cl=54272:q1=1905:q2=1227
  4. 120 hs=0:jc=56320
  5. 130 cr$=chr$(19):fori=1to23:cr$=cr$+chr$(17):next:poke53281,1
  6. 140 fori=1to7
  7. 150 printchr$(31)chr$(147)left$(cr$,9)spc(12)"alpha anxiety"
  8. 160 for j=1to50:next
  9. 170 printchr$(31)chr$(147)left$(cr$,9)spc(12)"alpha anxiety"
  10. 180 for j=1to100:nexti
  11. 190 dimp%(25),rl%(5,5)
  12. 200 gosub1150
  13. 210 rf=0:at=0
  14. 220 dl=150
  15. 230 sc=0:ma=3
  16. 240 l1=1:l2=1:lc=1:fl=1:po=sm:fg=0
  17. 250 ifrf=1thenlc=25
  18. 260 printchr$(147)
  19. 270 print""tab(15)"[144][176][192][178][192][178][192][178][192][178][192][174]"
  20. 280 for i=1to4:printtab(15)"[221] [146][221] [146][221] [146][221] [146][221] [146][221]":printtab(15)"[171][192][219][192][219][192][219][192][219][192][179]"
  21. 290 next:printtab(15)"[221] [146][221] [146][221] [146][221] [146][221] [146][221]"
  22. 300 printtab(15) "[173][192][177][192][177][192][177][192][177][192][189]"
  23. 310 print"next":print"letter:":print"[176][192][174]":print"[221] [221]":print"[173][192][189]"
  24. 320 print"time:":print"score:":print""sc:
  25. 330 print"high":print"score:"
  26. 340 print"";hs
  27. 350 ifsc<2499thenpokeq2+cl,6:pokeq2,lc
  28. 360 fori=q1+cltoq1+cl+26:pokei,0:next
  29. 370 ti$="000000":cs=160
  30. 380 gosub530
  31. 390 iffg=1then240
  32. 400 ifma=0then450
  33. 410 pokesd+4,17:pokesd+1,0
  34. 420 tl=dl-int(ti/60)
  35. 430 printleft$(cr$,11)spc(2)tl"[157]  "
  36. 440 iftl>0then380
  37. 450 ifsc>hsthenhs=sc
  38. 460 print"[147]               game over"
  39. 470 print"         press the fire button"
  40. 480 print"             to play again"
  41. 490 pokesd+1,85:fori=1to400:next:pokesd+1,0:gosub1150
  42. 500 a=notpeek(jc)and16:ifa=0then500
  43. 510 printchr$(147):fort=1to500:next
  44. 520 goto210
  45. 530 p=notpeek(jc)and31
  46. 540 je=(p=8)
  47. 550 js=(p=2)
  48. 560 jw=(p=4)
  49. 570 jn=(p=1)
  50. 580 jf=(p=16)
  51. 590 th=po:t1=l1:t2=l2
  52. 600 ifjfthengosub740:goto670
  53. 610 ifjethenpo=po+2:l1=l1+1:fl=1
  54. 620 ifjsthenpo=po+80:l2=l2+1:fl=1
  55. 630 ifjwthenpo=po-2:l1=l1-1:fl=1
  56. 640 ifjnthenpo=po-80:l2=l2-1:fl=1
  57. 650 iffl=0then730
  58. 660 pokesd+1,50
  59. 670 iffg=1then730
  60. 680 ifpo<smorpo>sm+376thenpo=th:l1=t1:l2=t2
  61. 690 ifpeek(po+1)=32orpeek(po-1)=32thenpo=th:l1=t1:l2=t2
  62. 700 poketh+cl,0:poketh,cs:cs=peek(po)
  63. 710 pokepo+cl,2:pokepo,rl%(l1,l2)
  64. 720 fl=0
  65. 730 return
  66. 740 ifrl%(l1,l2)=lcthensc=sc+10:goto780
  67. 750 ifrf=1then860
  68. 760 ifrl%(l1,l2)<lcthen900
  69. 770 goto860
  70. 780 pokesd+1,100:fort=1to25:next:pokesd+1,0
  71. 790 ifrf=1thenpokeq1+26-lc,lc:goto810
  72. 800 pokeq1+lc,lc
  73. 810 ifrf=1thenlc=lc-1:goto830
  74. 820 lc=lc+1
  75. 830 ifsc>2500then850
  76. 840 iflc<>0thenpokeq2,lc
  77. 850 cs=rl%(l1,l2):goto890
  78. 860 pokesd+1,20:fort=1to30:next:pokesd+1,0
  79. 870 dl=dl-10:ifdl<=0thengoto460
  80. 880 return
  81. 890 printleft$(cr$,15)spc(2)sc"[157]  "
  82. 900 ifrf=0then930
  83. 910 iflc<>0then1140
  84. 920 goto940
  85. 930 iflc<>26then1140
  86. 940 ifsc>5000then1000
  87. 950 at=at+dl-tl
  88. 960 ifsc=5000thendl=int(at/20):goto1050
  89. 970 iftl<150thendl=40+tl*2:goto1050
  90. 980 iftl>300thendl=tl*.5:goto1050
  91. 990 dl=tl
  92. 1000 ifsc=6000thendl=dl-5
  93. 1010 ifsc=7000thendl=dl-5
  94. 1020 ifsc=8000thendl=dl-5
  95. 1030 ifsc=9000thendl=dl-5
  96. 1040 ifsc=10000thendl=dl-5
  97. 1050 h=sd+1:l=sd:pokeh,8:pokel,97:gosub1080
  98. 1060 pokeh,12:pokel,143:gosub1080:pokeh,14:pokel,24:gosub1080
  99. 1070 pokeh,12:pokel,143:pokesd+4,17:fori=1to800:nexti:pokeh,0:pokel,0:goto1110
  100. 1080 pokesd+4,17:fori=1to200:next:pokesd+4,16:fori=1to100:next
  101. 1090 pokesd+4,17:fori=1to200:next:pokesd+4,16:fori=1to100:next
  102. 1100 return
  103. 1110 ifsc>1250thenrf=1
  104. 1120 gosub1150
  105. 1130 fg=1
  106. 1140 return
  107. 1150 fori=1to25:p%(i)=i:next
  108. 1160 fori=1to5
  109. 1170 forj=1to5
  110. 1180 r=int(rnd(1)*25+1)
  111. 1190 ifp%(r)=0then1180
  112. 1200 rl%(i,j)=r
  113. 1210 p%(r)=0
  114. 1220 nextj
  115. 1230 nexti
  116. 1240 return